Barbee's Books
The Quiet Truth

Patricia Barbee Received the Gartland Service Award from Savannah's Catholic Bishop, Rev. J. Kevin Boland, December, 2001 at the Cathedral of St. John.

Patricia Barbee was invited to witness the honoring of the MIA, US Air Force Captain Phillips, found and meet his daughters.
The suprise was Patricia was the guest speaker and in seconds spoke from the side of being a Gold Star Wife. Mrs. Phillips had passed, we were told from a broken heart after her daughters were of age.
Patricia had brought a Gold Star Wives of America, Inc. pin in a velvet box to honor their Mom.
The event was hosted by Gulfstream Aerospace of Pooler, GA.
Native Persons Day, US Army Ft Stewart, GA, Cherokee and Oklahoman Fancy Dancer and new baby.

Holocast Memorial Day, US Army Ft. Stewart, GA., Speaker: Mr. Melamed Chaim and Patricia Barbee, 2009. Mr. Chaim has joined the Ancestors not long after our meeting. May
all who believe in Heaven, pray him peace. He witnessed Hell in this life.

The Honorable Lilly Ledbetter and Patricia Barbee at Ft Stewart, US Army.
The First Bill signed on 20 Jan 2009 by Pres. Obama, was the Lilly Ledbetter Law. The Law gives women equal pay for doing the same work as men.
Mrs. Ledbetter will never benefit from her law because it was ruled it could not be retroactive.

Patricia Barbee is with then US Representative Jack Kingston, R-1st District, GA. September, 2001 in his DC Office.
Later in the day at the Hart Office Building, Patricia and twelve others were presented Honors as Volunteers of the Year for the United States of America.

Keith Sweat had many rocking the evening on Fort Stewart, GA. US Army....... 2006
His manners were impeccable to the few of us allowed to meet him after the concert. He insisted on being clean and natty, then he greeted us.

4 July 2011, Fantasia and I chat after her FANtastic performance at US Army Fort Stewart, GA
Lucky me. Lunch with The Temptations, 15 February 2006 Lucky me. Concert and dinner with The Temptations 8 December 2008

Celebrated Events
Not Every Day is Work

At the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum, Pooler, GA, in the Library is "The Patricia Barbee Collection". The three set collection was given to Patricia by her Boston Grandperé. He told her that one day the books would be valuable.
They are of WWII-Pacific dedicated to Army Sgt. Walter E. Johnson.
WWII-Europe is dedicated to Army Corporal Wardell Edward Williams.
Korean War is dedicated to Army Corporal Joseph "Buster" Bunch. All three were born with 55 miles of the Museum.
15 May 2015 Gold Star Family Memorial Candle Light Service at Fort Stewart, GA,
US Army. With me is WTOC-CBS, Lead Anchor, Sonny Dixon. I had nicknamed him "The Ambassador of The Coastal Empire". Wherever an event to aid a cause, he "HOG Rides" over 1000 miles at least once a year for the Children's Hospital in Tampa, FL. The Ride raises money for the care of the ill children. Sonny does not ride alone, many riders are supports of the children..... Hoo-RAH
Sonny is all heart and lifts the spirits for many. He is known State-wide. I'm honored to know a "ground-bound Angel". "Miss Margaret" his Beloved is his Number One Cheerleader. Their daughter, Susan is Second Cheerleader.

Time has passed. Bishop Emeritus John Kevin Boland honored me with the Savannah Diocese Gartland Award December, 2001. We are still in God's Service. This was a first to have Bishop Emeritus and Bishop Gregory John Hartmayer say the Mass for our new fast growing Catholic Community, 19 Sep 2015.
PHOTO: Courtesy of Jonas Jordan, PCC